The Hungarian Association of the Manufacturers of Reinforced Plastic Materials (EMSZ),
is pleased to invite you to participate in its
International BALATON Conference,
to be held in Balatonkenese on
September 29-30, 2020
The aim of the Conference is to present the most recent technical, scientific and economical results in manufacturing, processing and application of reinforced plastics products, with special reference to the following topics:
- Raw materials
- Processing technologies
- Properties and testing of products
- New fields of application
- Environmental protection, recycling
- Market information
- New materials, companies,
- Companies, activities
- Science / research
The Organizing Committee would be most happy to welcome the attendants, i.e. manufacturer of raw materials (matrix materials, reinforcements), auxiliary materials, processing machines and testing equipment as well as processors, distributors, developers, users, RD experts, and environmentalists in every branch of this field.
Speakers are expected for the above topics with presentations of about 20 minutes.
The official languages of the Conference will be English and Hungarian. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Speakers are requested to submit a summary of one page to the organizing secretariat not later than st 31 May 2020 Acceptance of the presentation will be announced. In order to print Conference Proceedings well in time, the full text (final form in electronic way, Word Format) is kindly requested by th 30 June 2020 at latest.
Secretary of the Conference
Gabriella CSUKAT
Mobile: (+36) 20 520 6912
President of the Organizing Committee
Dr. Zoltán MEZEY
Mobile: (+36) 258 1035
Participation fee: 330€
The participation § fee includes:
- Simultaneous interpretation with headphone
- Lunch in the Hotel-restaurant (September 29-30)
- Welcome party
- Practical demonstration
- Snacks
Opportunity to present your samples, brochures, catalogues in the exhibition area (2 m² ): 100€
Accomodation (including breakfast)
double room / night / person 75€
double room / night / person 96€
Kindly use the enclosed form to register for the conference.
Please send individual copies for every applicant.
Online registration:
On behalf of the Organizing Committee all inquirers are cordially expected by
Dr. Zoltán MEZEY