Polymerní kompozity 2021 – změna data konání + registrace pokračuje

Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové,
s ohledem na stále panující epidemiologickou situaci jsme se rozhodli ještě jednou posunout termín konání konference na 26. – 27. 10. 2021 v naději, že se situace zlepší a bude možné se osobně setkat v prostorách hotelu LH Dvořák v Táboře. Registrace na konferenci již byla zahájena a je dostupná na webových stránkách www.polymer-composites.cz. Již registrované přihlášky zůstávají v platnosti.
Současně se jako organizátoři zavazujeme, že nebude-li možné konferenci uspořádat z důvodů protiepidemiologických vládních opatření, pak bude zaplacené vložné vráceno v plné výši. Nemusíte se tedy obávat rizika nevrácení svých finančních prostředků v případě vládních restrikcí.

Těšíme se na setkání s Vámi.
V případě potřeby nás neváhejte kontaktovat.

Za organizační výbor
Zdeněk Padovec

Polymerní kompozity 2021 – změna data konání + otevření registrace

Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové,
dovolujeme si vám připomenout plánovanou konferenci Polymerní kompozity 2021. S ohledem na panující epidemiologickou situaci jsme se rozhodli posunout termín konání na 16. – 17. 6. 2021 v naději, že se situace zlepší a bude možné se osobně setkat v prostorách hotelu LH Dvořák v Táboře. Registrace na konferenci již byla zahájena a je dostupná na webových stránkách www.polymer-composites.cz Všechny dříve avizované termíny budou o měsíc posunuty (viz oznámení v příloze).
Současně se jako organizátoři zavazujeme, že nebude-li možné konferenci uspořádat z důvodů protiepidemiologických vládních opatření, pak bude zaplacené vložné vráceno v plné výši. Nemusíte se tedy obávat rizika nevrácení svých finančních prostředků v případě vládních restrikcí.

Těšíme se na setkání s Vámi.
V případě potřeby nás neváhejte kontaktovat.

Za organizační výbor
Zdeněk Padovec

Composites for Europe

15th Business Summit & Forum for Composite Materials, Technology and Applications.

Composites for Europe is a trade fair and industry forum for all occupational groups involved in composite materials and corresponding technology and applications. In line with the dynamics of innovation cycles, Composites for Europe takes place annually – in the business metropolis of Stuttgart, in the heart of the most dynamic user region in the country. The proximity to the automotive industry and aerospace as the drivers of the composites industry gives the trade fair an additional boost.

Composites for Europe is a network hotspot for products, processes, solutions and the latest developments.

This event will take place on 9-11 November 2021 in Stuttgart, Germany.



SAMPE Europe 21 Conference

The event will be organized in a joint co-operation between SAMPE Switzerland and SAMPE Europe.

A pre-conference tutorial program and the 36th SAMPE Students Seminar are held in conjunction with this SAMPE Europe International Conference.

At SAMPE Europe Conferences over 100 authors are on stage. They present high-quality technical papers that focus on challenging applications in advanced vomposites materials and their processes.

In the accompanying exhibition over 30 sponsoring companies will present their most recent innovations. Delegates from over 25 countries are expected.

This event will be held in Baden / Zürich, Switzerland from 29-30 September 2021.



China Composites Expo 2021

Exhibitors of CCE comes from every niche segment of composites industry, including:

  • Raw materials and related equipment: resins (epoxy, unsaturated polyester, vinyl, phenolic, etc.), reinforcement (glass, carbon, aramid, basalt, polyethylene, natural, etc.), adhesives, additives, fillers, pigment, pregreg, etc., and all related production and process equipment.
  • Composites manufacturing processes and related equipment: spray, filament winding, mould compression, injection, pultrusion, RTM, LFT, Vacuum infusion, autoclave, OOA, AFP process and related equipment; honeycomb, foam core, sandwich structure process and related equipment.
  • Finished Parts and Application: applied in aerospace, automotive, marine, energy/electricity, electronics, construction, transportation, defense, mechanics, sport/leisure, agriculture, etc.
  • Quality control and inspection: NDE and other inspection systems, robots and other automation systems.
  • Composites recycling, repairing, energy saving and environment protection technology, process and equipment.
  • Other high performance composites: metal matrix composites, ceramic matrix composites, wood-plastic composites and related raw materials, finished parts and equipment.

This event will take place on 13-15 September 2021 in Shanghai, China.



Fibre Polymer Composites in Construction

Composites UK, the UK composites industry association, and Fluency Marketing, the advanced materials and advanced engineering focused marketing and conference provider, have teamed up to deliver a three-day peer reviewed international academic conference, focused on the development and application of fibre polymer composite materials across the construction and infrastructure sectors.

2020 would have been the 20th Anniversary of two key UK networks for composites in construction (CoSACNet and NGCC), and this conference will bring academics and industry leaders together from across the sector to celebrate achievements and ongoing research in this area. Aligned with the developing Eurocodes, the conference, Fibre Polymer Composites in Construction (FPCC), will showcase research from across the globe, peer reviewed by an esteemed panel.

Proposed sessions for the conference should include, but are not limited to:

  • FRP structures and components
  • Durability, long-term performance and testing
  • Damage mechanics and failure criteria
  • Design and analysis
  • FRP reinforcement or prestressing
  • Strengthening of reinforced concrete, metallic and timber structures
  • Confinement and prestressed systems
  • Strengthening of masonry or steel
  • FRP structures and joints

This event will take place on 7-9 September 2021 in Southampton, UK.




2021 marks the first time that the International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) will be held on the island of Ireland, in the historic city of Belfast. It is appropriate that Belfast, with its rich pioneering and engineering heritage, should be chosen to host ICCM 23. The birthplace of Lord Kelvin and home to John Boyd Dunlop, Belfast was a global powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution, becoming Ireland’s pre-eminent industrial city, where the RMS Titanic was built in what was then the world’s largest shipyard.

It is home to the oldest production aircraft manufacturer in the world, Short Brothers, which was founded in 1908 and purchased by Bombardier in 1989. The pioneering technology for the manufacture of the highly-integrated resin-infused composite wing, used on the Airbus A220, was developed here.

This event will take place on 1-6 August 2021 in Belfast, Ireland.



Pultrusion Conference 2021

The Pultrusion Conference, in partnership with the European Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA), brings together 200+ industry leaders, customers, OEMs, and suppliers from around the world for a three-day virtual education and networking event. Back after events in 2017 and 2019, this conference will be presented virtually in 2021 for the first-time. Now more industry professionals from around the world can join the virtual experience.

The conference program will cover a variety of new materials and market applications from key end-users looking to expand their use of pultruded composites. Exciting keynote speakers will feature end-users who are successfully using pultruded products to make their completed projects more efficient and durable.

This event will be held online on 13-15 April 2021.




During past few years composite materials have been gradually developed and spread in numerous fields of Industry. From the beginning composites were created as materials with specials features for aeronautical and military fields, but now they are widely spread in a number of civil applications such as automotive, marine, wind energy, construction, water treatment and many others.

13th Exhibition “Composite-Expo” is an exhibition event in Russia and is a platform for development and introduction of composite technologies and materials in different branches of industry. Many Russian and foreign companies participate in the event such as Technologiya ONPP, RT-Khimkompozit, Stupino Glass Reinforced Plastics Plant, Akzo Nobel N.V., Evonik, OCV Steklovolokno (OCV Reinforcements) are already exhibitors of the event.

The event purpose is defined by three components:

  • Industrial and economic relations’ development;
  • Scientific and technical information exchange;
  • Wide introduction and application of innovative technologies of composite materials manufacturing and introduction.

Composite-Expo is a specialized event in composite industry in Russia, where full range of manufactures of raw materials, equipment and finished products of composites is widely introduced. In 2019 the total exhibition area made over 6000m2 and the trade show attracted about 9000 specialists. 145 exhibitors took part in the show from 14 countries (Austria, Belarus Republic, Czech Republic, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, Isalamic Republic of IRAN, Luxemburg, Macedonia, the People’s Republic of China, Russia, Turkey and USA) took part in the show.

This event will take place on March 30 – April 1, 2021 in Moscow, Russia.




2021 marks the first time that the International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) will be held on the island of Ireland, in the historic city of Belfast. It is appropriate that Belfast, with its rich pioneering and engineering heritage, should be chosen to host ICCM 23. The birthplace of Lord Kelvin and home to John Boyd Dunlop, Belfast was a global powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution, becoming Ireland’s pre-eminent industrial city, where the RMS Titanic was built in what was then the world’s largest shipyard.

It is home to the oldest production aircraft manufacturer in the world, Short Brothers, which was founded in 1908 and purchased by Bombardier in 1989. The pioneering technology for the manufacture of the highly-integrated resin-infused composite wing, used on the Airbus A220, was developed here.

This event will take place on 1-6 August 2021 in Belfast, Ireland.

